NOTE: MAY 2024 This Multi-Source Feedback Tool for Supervisors is unfortunately having to close with immediate effect to new users.

Existing users of the service have until the end of May 2024 to complete their surveys in order to receive their reports.

If you are currently conducting an MSF using the tool, please let your supervisees know about this deadline to complete their feedback.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the withdrawal of the MSF tool.


Multisource Feedback for Supervisors

  • Have you ever wondered how effective a supervisor you are? 
  • Are you curious about whether there might be a gap between your intentions and the actual perceptions of your trainees?
  • Would you like constructive feedback on your strengths as a supervisor, together with potential areas for development?

Supervision is central to the success of clinical education and training.  The online Multisource feedback tool (MSF) has been specifically designed to give supervisors the opportunity to get individual feedback from their learners on the quality of their supervision.

The benefits for supervisors

  • Useful structured feedback to help you improve as a supervisor
  • Evidence for your supervisor's portfolio, appraisal, and revalidation
  • A structured report containing mean scores and anonymised written comments
  • A free, quick, and easy to use online system that can be accessed anywhere, any time
  • An unlimited resource that can be re-visited and used on an ongoing basis

The benefits for trainees

  • An opportunity to provide constructive feedback to your supervisor
  • An opportunity to reflect on how supervision helps you
  • Evidence of participation in quality assurance systems as required by healthcare regulators
  • A useful means of considering approaches to supervision styles in the context of your own future personal development 

Who can use the MSF tool?

At present all supervisors working in NHS organisations across London and the South East (Kent, Surrey and Sussex). Completion of the tool is voluntary and is not linked to any local tools / questionnaires that are already in existence.  You may already complete a 360 educator questionnaire therefore via your Local Education Centre. The MSF Tool for Supervisors will therefore be an additional tool and we would like supervisors to try it so we can get feedback on it.

How does it work?

If you already have an account, you can access the site at this Login.

Once you have accessed your account, nominate five learners who you have supervised within the past year (you will need to supply their email addresses).

If a minimum of three questionnaires have been completed, you will receive an interim report. Your account will remain open until this threshold of five raters has been reached (up to 3 years), so that you nominate each new trainee you have until the threshold is reached.

How do I find out more about using the MSF tool?

Please refer to the frequently asked questions section FAQs.