Generic job families |
Specialist areas |
Functional requirements |
Details/health and safety factors |
Outpatient work |
Emotional resilience |
May present problems for doctors suffering from psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety |
Inpatient work |
Emotional resilience |
May present problems for doctors suffering from psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety |
Home visits |
May be routine or part of sectioning patient (advanced trainees) Lone worker or crisis situation |
Able to drive or use public transport
Personal safety assessment
Ability to assess acutely ill patients in unusual places/positions e.g. on floor |
May present problems for doctors who are not fit to drive for a variety of medical conditions e.g. epilepsy See DVLA recommendations
May present problems for doctors suffering from range of musculoskeletal conditions, neurological or sensory defects |
Specialty related issues |
Working with emotionally disturbed patients
Ability to cope with verbal abuse and risk of physical violence including biting, scratching and being hit
May present problems for doctors suffering from psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety |
Management of complex risk including suicide and child abuse |
Emotional resilience |
May present problems for doctors suffering from psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety |
Multidisciplinary team work |
Work with nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, psychologists etc |
Breakaway training/PMVA training (prevention and management of violence and aggression) |
Includes verbal de-escalation techniques and physical techniques |
Physical techniques may present problems for doctors with musculoskeletal problems especially neck and lower back and pregnancy |
Forensic work |
Ability to manage patients who have committed homicide/serious abuse |
May present problems for doctors suffering from psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety |
Prison visiting |
Assessment in Police custody |
Work in high security units |
Child/adolescent work |
Safeguarding issues |
Psychogeriatrics |
Manual handling bedbound patients Ability to cope with confused/demented patients |
May present problems for doctors suffering from range of musculoskeletal conditions |
Learning disability work |
Risk of physical abuse including biting, scratching and being hit |
Risk of infection. Need immunisations according to Green Book. |
Addiction work |
Risk of high risk needlestick injuries from used injecting equipment |
Need rapid access to post needlestick services (e.g. Occupational Health) |