Integrated Academic Training

For further information regarding Academic training please select from the dropdown boxes below.



NIHR and IAT Partnerships


The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Integrated Academic Training (IAT) Programme in England was launched in 2005/06. The programme supports the training of doctors and dentists in England to develop their clinical academic careers and is delivered through a number of schemes that rely on close partnership between the NIHR, Health Education England (HEE), medical schools and NHS organisations.

NIHR allocates Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) and Clinical Lectureships (CLs) to partnerships of organisations comprising medical schools/dental schools (and their partner universities), HEE local offices and partner Trusts. These posts fit within the specialty training period and allow trainees to combine clinical and academic training.

Further information on the NIHR can be found on their website:


Integrated Academic Training Partnerships

Medical Schools/Higher Education Institutions- There are 8 of these for London and KSS listed below

• Imperial College - to

• Kings College London (KCL) -

• Queen Mary (QMUL) -

• University College London (UCL) -

• St George’s University London (SGUL) -

• London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) -

• The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) -

• Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) -


Other academic institutions

There are a number of other academic institutions that we work in partnership with:

• Barts and the London / Kings / Eastman Dental Schools. (via the relevant Medical School)

• Public Health England (awards sit within Medical Schools listed above)


Partnership leads

• Imperial College: Professor Jeremy Levy –

• Kings College London :Professor Frances Williams - and Dr Rina Dutta -

• Queen Mary (University of London): Dr William Alazawi and Professor Marta Korbonits – ,

• University College London - Professor Robert Howrard,

• St George’s (University of London): Dr Nidhi Sofat-

• London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: Shunmay Yeung and Michael Marks:

• The Institute of Cancer Research (Royal Marsden): Prof Nick Turner-

• Brighton and Sussex Medical School: Professor Gordon Ferns - , Dr Jessica Eccles -, and Dr Khalid Ali -


Principles and Obligations- Letter to the Deans and Heads of UK Medical and Health Schools/Faculties: 

Academic Training Programme Directors

Our academic TPDs collaborate with clinical TPDs for their specialities and academic leads to steer the recruitment in IAT posts and the placement for trainees in IAT posts.


There are 3 priorities set out for Academic TPDs. These are:

  • Ensure Academic Trainees undergo a robust training programme for both clinical and academic components
  • Standardise job description of academic awards and the recruitment of academic awards
  • Standardise academic ARCP across their respective schools


Current Academic TPDs

GP Academic TPD: Patricia Schartau -

Medicine (Except for Infectious Disease and Neurology): Steffen Petersen – and Michael Quail -

Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Sarah Hillman -

Surgery: Nick Watkin –

Anaesthetics: Gudrun Kunst - ;

Intensive Care Medicine: Nish Arulkumaran -

Paediatrics: Sandhia Naik - and Chris Gale -

Pathology, Neurology and Infectious Disease: Silvia Marino -

Psychiatry: Richard Haslam -

Ophthalmology: Alessandra Martins -

Clinical Radiology: Nishat Bharwani - and Anita Wale -

Clinical Oncology: Robert Huddart - 

Dental: Richeal Ni Riordain -


Role of the Integrated Academic Training Team and Contacts

We advise and ensure that NIHR’s policy is being applied in HEE London and KSS. The IAT team are also the escalation point for academic posts, from recruitment to post management. We offer support for individual academic trainees and proposed academic training pathways. For example: advising on IDT process for ACFs/CLs, Post CCT applications, accessing academic research time, etc.


The Academic Team supports the Associate Academic Dean and works with the academic TPDs to establish priorities for the management of academic posts.

General queries regarding academic posts should first and foremost be directed to the specialty team via our PGMDE Support Portal:


Meet the Team: 

 Our email-

Professor Geeta Menon-  Postgraduate Dean and Lead for Academic Training

Dr Vivienne Curtis-  Associate Academic Dean

Marc Terry- Senior Business Education Manager

Mark Bellaera- Service Delivery Manager

Adepero Akinlade -Operations Manager

Nina Otim-  IAT Administrator

Inter Deanery Transfer

ACFs and CLs can apply for an IDT transfer due to significant and unforeseen change in personal circumstances since accepting an offer of a post in a training programme. Applications will need to be made via the IDT process.


If a trainee wishes to retain his/her academic award upon transferring, a letter of agreement from both your current academic provider (Medical School or Higher Education Institution holding the ACF or CL award) and the academic provider you wish to move to will need to be provided. This written confirmation should state that the releasing institution agrees to the NIHR funding being released, and that the receiving academic institution is able to deliver the academic training. IDT applicants are also required to provide a letter of agreement from NIHR for the transfer of your funded award, or where the award has been locally funded, the agreement of your funding body. These documents will need to be submitted at the time of application.

Please note that support of the transfer of funding, does not guarantee an IDT. This is contingent on the availability of a suitable clinical training post, which will need to be identified by local regions following the anonymous transfer of information by the National IDT Team.

Further information of the IDT process can be found here:

Academic ARCPs

The Gold Guide identifies three key elements which will support trainees through the new postgraduate medical training structure: appraisal, assessment and annual planning.

These three individual but integrated components form the basis of the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP).

Academic trainees must undergo an ARCP which reviews both clinical and academic progression; any outcome given at the ARCP will reflect both components.

To aid trainees, supervisors and assessors in reviewing academic training and progress, The Academy of Medical Sciences has worked with the Postgraduate Deans, Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) and the National Institute of Health Research to formulate supplementary guidelines.

These guidelines set out a simple, flexible framework for monitoring academic training and progress. Although the guidelines were initially developed for Academic Clinical Fellows (ACFs) and Clinical Lecturers (CLs) they are applicable to all clinical academics in training. In addition, we recommend that this approach be adopted by trainees who are ‘Out of Programme’ in research or working for a higher degree.


The ARCP Academic Progress Report Form

The IAT Team, in conjunction with London’s academic partners has issued a revised version of the academic progress form to allow for increased interaction between the review panel and the academic supervisor.

The front side of the form is to be completed by the academic trainee in consultation with their academic supervisor (and if applicable, other academics who have been involved with the trainee during the period being reviewed).

Where applicable, additional information should be attached to the form.

Once completed, form should be submitted along with other documents to the review panel. (If all documentation is presented via e-portfolio, then form should be scanned and uploaded).

Rear of the form allows the ARCP panel to feed back to the trainee and academic supervisor.

It is NOT a separate outcome for the academic component of the training.

Please click here to access the Academic Progress Report Form.

Medical Schools/Higher Education Institutions Local Office Email Contact Details

Imperial College London - Clinical Academic Training Office:

King's College London (KCL) -

Queen Mary's University London (QMUL) -

University College London (UCL) - Sarah Mackilligin:

St George's University London (SGUL) - Yvonne Forde:

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) - Suzanne Strong:

The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) - Sarah Persaud:

Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) - Eleni Ladikou_