Prescribing and drug calculations self-review workbook

Welcome to the Prescribing and drug calculations self-review workbook.                                   Prescribing-Workbook-thumb

This workbook has been created to support doctors by highlighting the key principles of safe prescribing. It is designed for self-review and will assist you with identifying your strengths and areas for improvement. The workbook, including reflective logs can be printed for you to complete and add to your portfolio.

The aim of this workbook is to promote safe and effective prescribing; keeping the patients’ safety and best interests at the centre of all decisions. This can only be achieved with close working partnerships between doctors and pharmacists and we hope that you will use the skills of our colleagues to help you with any prescribing issues in clinical practice. It's ok to ask.


Author: Phillipa Crockford BSc DipClinPharm, honorary lecturer in prescribing, Barts and the London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry

Contributors: Heather Walker, Chief Pharmacist NELFT, Sushma Lau, Senior Pharmacist NELFT, Jocelyn Hewitt, Education Lead: Professional Development, PSU, 
Dr E Tsarfati, Foundation Year 2, NETFS.

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Thank you: Dr Mohan Bhat, Dr Ali Ajaz, Dr B Clarke, 
Dr H Halpern and Dr Mendel