Some people completing this section may find that they answer in the affirmative to every question, or many of the questions, whilst others may do so with only a limited number. So some people may take longer than others to complete it. We advise that, if you find that you do have areas of your practice that require attention then please ensure that you allow yourself sufficient time to reflect on these and to complete the work; doing so will be beneficial to you and will assist you in moving forward from the difficulties you have been experiencing. Should you answer in the negative to every question, we would suggest that you come back to it tomorrow and consider the questions again.
We suggest that you have a pen and paper ready and that you use our numbering system so that you can record your responses effectively and come back to them at a later date more easily. Under each question you will see a 'prompt' button. The programme works most effectively when there is space for you to allow your responses to arise; so please use the prompt button once your responses have begun to arise, rather than straight away.