Medicines Management e-learning module

Medicines-Management-Workbook_thumbWelcome to the medicines management self-review module for Nurses

This module has been developed to support nurses seeking to review their practice for the administration of medicines. There is much more to this topic than is covered in the contents of this module so nurses are advised to use this package as the first step in identifying where to concentrate future study.

This package contains two main sections;

  1. An update on the legal aspects of the prescription and selected safety information.
  2. A self-review workbook with ‘spot the prescribing error’ tasks and drug calculation tests.

The workbook with reflective log is designed for self-review purposes and can assist you with identifying your strengths and areas for improvement. The workbook can be printed for you to complete and add to your portfolio or alternatively you can dip in and out of the various exercises online.

This module was originally created by pharmacists for doctors and has been adapted for use by nurses. The aim is to promote safe and effective medicines administration, keeping the patients safety and best interests at the centre of all care. We hope you will use the skills of your team pharmacist to help you with medicines administration issues or concerns about a prescription.


Author: Phillipa Crockwood BSc DipClinPharm, honorary lecturer in prescribing, Barts and the London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry

Adapted by Sushma Lau, Deputy Chief Pharmacist: NELFT, Heather Walker, Chief Pharmacist NELFT and Jocelyn Hewitt RN, Education Lead: Professional Support Unit

Workbook authors: Sushma Lau, Deputy Chief Pharmacist NELFT, Jocelyn Hewitt, RN Education Lead PSU and Heather Walker, Chief Pharmacist NELFT

Comments and contributions from Dr Helen Halpern and Dr John Launer