
There may be a time in your life when you find you have difficulty passing an examination which understandably, might impact on your self-belief, confidence and well-being. If you have been achieving a high standard in clinical practice, failing an exam can feel particularly wounding and may inadvertently effect relationships with peers, supervisors and those close to you in your personal life. The reasons why trainees are not successful after an initial attempt can be complex and may be influenced by;

a) Poor study planning
b) Insufficient revision
c) Learning methods and preferences/modalities
d) Superficial revision techniques
e) Poor developmental conversations
f) Communication and professional/cultural behaviours
g) Peer support and connections
h) Personal, health and/or emotional contributors
i) Dyslexia
j) Performance anxiety
k) Disillusionment with specialty training

If, like many other trainees, you are experiencing difficulty passing an examination, the first step is to seek feedback, advice and support from your Educational Supervisor. If you would like confidential individual assessment and support, please contact the PSU’s Individual Support Team (IST). One of the team can meet with you and assist in reviewing your strengths/weaknesses and a holistic support plan in preparation for the next examination attempt. To find out more about the Individual Support Team and request an appointment please click on this link.

