Dyslexia case study

Dr X was diagnosed with dyslexia after a formal assessment with an educational psychologist. The following adjustments were advised to assist him in work:

He was given a small office where he could work alone without disturbance or distraction from other workers. However when required he could consult with a job buddy to help him with tasks.

Difficulties with reading written material both on paper and on the computer were addressed by altering background colour.  Results of a simple experiment showed that a pink background enabled him to read more easily, and all documents were printed on pink paper. Similarly a different contrast background was used for his computer screen. He was supplied with an anti-glare screen filter which he found useful.

He had difficulties with spelling when typing. Equipment was recommended to assist with this, in the form of voice recognition software and assistive text software such as ClaroRead or TextHelp. In addition his job buddy would proof read documents to further minimise the risk of errors. A Reading Pen that can scan an unfamiliar word and read it out loud, was provided.

He was allowed to take frequent breaks, at least every hour and allow himself task rotation (e.g. stand up, answer the telephone, pace about and then resume desk work after the phone call was over) to avoid doing the same task for prolonged periods of time.

To help him to organise his workflow, the team administrator provided him with a wall planner. She highlighted important tasks in different colours to assist with prioritisation, and provided a dated “To Do” list to go through each day.